

Designed by: Yanqiu Liu   Group: iGEM19_ZJUT-China   (2019-10-09)

Usage and Biology

In order to achieve cell lysis, we usually express the lysin gene. Then we find the part BBa_K2277000, which constructed by 2017 iGEM team ZJUT-China. They construct the lysinene in the plasmid. But in most cases, resistance genes will be added to plasmids in order to screen transformants. So we choose to construct the lysingene directly into the genome,for two advantages. First, it can reduce the number of plasmids that need to be transformed in the engineering bacteria, which can reduce the additional metabolic pressure. Second, it can avoid the addition of new resistance. We added the E.coligenome homology arm to both ends of this part. The genomic homology arms at both ends of our part allow us to insert this part into the non-metabolic pathway on the E.coli genome.